Below is a copy of the text of the Consent Form for participants in my research at Curtin University of Technology:
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Information Studies
TITLE: Taking matters into our own hands: Factors that influenced or concerned libraries creating Open Source Library Application Software between 1999 and 2009.
- I have read the information in the attached letter.
- Any questions I have asked have been answered to my satisfaction.
- I agree to participate in this research.
- I understand that I can change my mind or stop at any time.
- I agree that all information is treated as confidential.
- I understand that information that could identify me will not be used in the thesis unless I have been contacted again, and provided with information about how it will be used and have given my written permission for it to be used in this way.
- I agree that this interview can be recorded.
- I agree that research gathered for this study may be published or presented at a conference, provided names and any other information that may identify me is not used unless my permission has been specifically sought and obtained.
Researcher Kathryn Greenhill