Presentations and workshops

Since 1990, I have been presenting about new technologies and their impact on libraries and cultural institutions. I have given over 70 presentations and workshops in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United States and the Netherlands. I enjoy leading discussions and creating workshops where everyone learns from each other.

Invited Keynotes

9 June 2016 Keynote presentation, What do I do when EVERYTHING is so shiny? Personal strategies for coping with new technologies , 13th International Southern African Online Information Meeting , Pretoria, South Africa.

19 July 2013 Keynote speaker The Future of the Profession Australian Library and Information Association’s National Advisory Congress, Perth, Western Australia

21 June 2012 Keynote presentation,G is for Google, H is for Harry, L is for Library… and ten ideas about public libraries in a Google World, Libraries in a Google World forum, State Library of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

4 October 2012 Keynote with Mal Booth (University Librarian, University of Technology Sydney), Creativity and Libraries: you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference . International virtual conference with participants worldwide.

September 2011 The hidden rulebook: building bridges not banging your head against a brick wall. Keynote at the New Librarians’ Symposium, Perth, Australia

4 November 2010 Keynote, Hacking the Public Library , at the V Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas in Gijon, Spain

2 October 2009 Keynote Speaker ALIA Top End Symposium: Disco balls, waterless urinals and augmented reality: equipping ourselves to create innovative library learning spaces.

26, 27 March 2009 Plenary speaker  at In the Foothills: A Not-Quite-Summit on the Future of Libraries . Spoke on “The Technological Revolution *is* a social revolution” (live video). Darien Library, Connecticut , United States of America. Thoughts and discussions on the day led to the writing of the  Darien Statements on the Library and Librarians with John Blyberg and Cindi Trainor .

9 October 2008 Keynote for the Cultural Connections: MySpace is an ArtSpace:ARLIS/ANZ Biennial Conference Brisbane.

October 11th 2008  What is Library 2.0? Keynote guest speaker for the State Library of Queensland Unconference

Invited presentations 

4 April 2016 Giving a great conference presentation from a written conference paper, Australian Library and Information Association session on Abstract Writing, State Library of Western Australia, Perth.

19 November 2015 Speaker, Australian Library and Information Association Leadership and Innovation Forum, State Library of Western Australia, Perth.

28 June 2014 Australian Library and Information Association Perth Symposium Closing session and participant input session. Perth, Western Australia

12 November 2013 Future of the profession  Western Australian Government Librarians Meeting Perth, Western Australia

10 February 2013 Librarians we Love session New Librarians Symposium Brisbane Australia

5 November 2010 Roundtable discussion Reflections on the value of public libraries in the digital society , at the V Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas in Gijon, Spain

18 September 2010 Ebooks session plus a “Futures Dreaming” session for the Australian Library and Information Association Western Australia Library Technician’s Group Seminar at Falcon eLibrary, Mandurah, Western Australia

18 August 2010 You Can’t judge an ebook by its cover: everything you ever wanted to know about ebooks . Professional development session for the Australian Independent Schools Association of Western Australia, Hale School, Perth, Western Australia

20 April 2010 VALA Conference Report back session for ALIAWest with Constance Wiebrands and Sue Cook, Edith Cowan University, Mt Lawley, Western Australia.

11 February 2010 Invited paper as VALA Travel Scholarship Awardee at VALA 15th Biennial Conference and Exhibition: Connections, Content, Conversations Title: Taking matters into our own hands: influencing and concerning factors for libraries that developed Open Source Software

8 February 2010L-Plates” workshop at VALA 15th Biennial Conference and Exhibition: Connections, Content, Conversations Title: Open Source Software and Libraries.

23 April 2009 Presentation, What kind of “better than free” is your library?.at the  U Game U Learn Symposium Delft, The Netherlands

31 March 2009 Unconferences . 1:30 – 2:15pm Panel with John Blyberg, Steve Lawson and Stephen Francouer . Computers in Libraries Arlington, Virginia, United States of America

6 March 2009 LocLib Conference.  Perth, Western Australia. Session on lifestreaming, podcasting, vodcasting, machinima, microblogging, screencasting, slidecasting,We are all making new media: what libraries need to know

18 September 2008 Lawyers, law librarians and Second Life paper for the Art of Information Australian Law Librarians Association Conference

9 September 2008 … but I don’t have time, and THEY don’t get it”: finding time and reasons to learn about emerging technologies . Speaker Collections and the Web Perth. Seminar presented by Collections Australia Network Scitech, Perth.

26 June 2008 Presentation about Second Life and Libraries for TEL-SIG group of Academic Librarians’  in New Zealand. Part of the conference Libraries of the seven C’s

22 April 2008 Get a Second Life! . Interview via Second Life for the State Library of Victoria and Australian Library and Information Association’s “Outside the box” event.

November 29th 2007 Plenary session at the “Library of the Future” forum for the Learning Resources Network Services Network, hosted by Challenger TAFE in Fremantle – Five Social Software Sites that Libraries Shouldn’t Ignore.

October 10th 2007 Presentation, Second Life, libraries, universities and Murdoch University Library. Plus one hour workshop about doing more with avatars in Second Life, plus panel discussion for the QULOC Social Software and Libraries one day event, Brisbane.

July 23rd 2007 Presented at Libraries, Web2.0 and Other Internet Stuff, State Library of Victoria about Virtual Libraries: Real Librarians: What libraries are doing in Second Life and how you can join in .

April 24th 2007 Talk for staff at the State Library of Western Australia, “Flying Librarians of Oz:What’s all the fuss about Second Life and what’s it got to do with Libraries?”

February 14th 2007 Public talk at the National Library of Australia, Flying Librarians of Oz:What’s all the fuss about Second Life and what’s it got to do with libraries? as part of their “Digital Culture” series.

February 9th 2007 Talk to Western Australian Academic Libraries “Flying Librarians of Oz:What’s all the fuss about Second Life and what’s it got to do with Libraries?” .

1996 Spoke on Information technology in public libraries at the seminar “Don’t you just stamp books ?” organised by the ALIA Public Libraries Section.

1996 On organising committee for the ALIA RAISS section’s Internet Fair held at Curtin University, and gave a paper about Authoring web pages using skills you already have as a librarian.

Conference presentations

8 September 2022 OER Inception: A librarian creates an OER for library school students, partly about OERs, incorporating an OER by other librarians.       Enabling a Modern Curriculum Conference. Council of Australian University Librarians. Australia. Online.

14 January 2022 Shovel-ready GLAMR graduates – what disciplinary skills do you want? LinuxConfAu: Australia. Online

11 February 2020 Kindness and UX in GLAMR online presence: Same, same, but different? VALA 2020: Libraries, technology and the future Melbourne, Australia.

14 February 2018 with Karen Miller Iterative and incremental evaluation works for software development, but can it be good for student learning initiatives in Australian academic libraries? VALA 2018: Libraries, technology and the future Melbourne, Australia

29 September 2017 Unheard and Unseen: the voiceless STEM community at the University; Gender and the Everyday Conference;  Western Australian Communication Culture Media forum. Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. with Rachel Sheffield and Susan Blackley.

3 February 2017 Mash it, quote it, attribute it: Academic integrity, copyright and quotation in non-text media assessment Innovation: multiple dimensions in teaching and learning Western Australian Teaching and Learning Forum 2017, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia

8 October 2016 Library Futures Dreaming Insights, Updates and Other Matters Mark III ALIA WA Library Technicians Group, Donnybrook, Western Australia

9 July 2016 Ethics and choosing proprietary vendor products in libraries Radical Librarians Collective Brighton, United Kingdom

28 January 2016 SMART BHAGS: Reflective Goal Setting in student assessment 25th Annual W.A. Learning and Teaching Forum, Perth, Western Australia

16 March 2015 Students with SMART BHAGS: reflective goal setting in student assessment . Festival of Teaching and Learning, Curtin University, Perth

10 March 2014 Movie making to engage online students Festival of Teaching and Learning, Curtin University, Perth

1 February 2011 Flexible, customisable and good looking: multiple uses for Word press MU in two Australian Libraries with Sue Cook, CSIRO,  at the Australian Library and Information Association Information Online conference, Sydney, Australia.

2 February 2011 Everything Changes, Everything Stays the Same with Kate Davis, QUT, at the Australian Library and Information Association Information Online conference, Sydney, Australia

4 May 2009 Symposium,Personal Learning Environments: what works for librariansPanel discussion with Con Wiebrands, Peta Hopkins and Penny Coutas and symposium participants . Educause Australasia 2009

4 November 2008 The library unconference: a new model for better professional communication joint paper with Constance Wiebrands at Poropitia: Outside the Boxconference,  Library & Information Association New Zealand Aotearoa , Auckland, New Zealand

28 June 2008 Facilitated a discussion How to be a good trendspotter and an early adopter , for the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia’s Web2.0 and School Libraries Unconference , Guildford Grammar School, Perth.

2 February 2008 Web 2.0 : Beyond the Hype, Brisbane. Hot Topic Presentation, Five Social Software Sites that Libraries shouldn’t ignore

5-7 February 2008 Presented two papers at the VALA conference Libraries: Changing spaces, virtual places. 1. “Do we remove all the walls? Second Life Librarianship” and 2. “Libraries interact: collaboration and community in the Australian library blogosphere” (joint author).

November 23rd 2007 Murdoch University Library gets a Second Life. Presentation for Western Australian academic libraries’ Teaching and Learning Sharecase.

University guest lectures

2015-2019 Topic: Finding Ruby: language hiding stories in an online digital archive Academic and Professional Communications (APC100) Curtin University

12 May 2015 Relations and Networks Guest movie and presentation/panel session for Theories and Methods for Honours Research (HUMN4003) Curtin University

2010-2012 Topic: Blogging as a node in conversation Web Publishing (Web 206) Curtin University

Second Semester 2009 Topic: Blogging in a university setting New Media Technologies ( MCC315/615), Murdoch University

23 November 2008 Beyond keyboard and mouse: how alternative input devices are changing education Academic Work Matters series,  Murdoch University

Second Semester 2008 Topic: Blogging in a university setting for Murdoch University unit From University to Workplace (TLC277)

24 April 2008 Topic: Second life and information services for Edith Cowan University students in Technologies in Information Services ( IST2101), Mt Lawley.

First semester 2008 Topic: Second life and education for Murdoch University unit Opportunities with E-Learning (EDU475/675)

Workshops and facilitation

10 November 2016 Mug cakes, Magic Elves and John Curtin’s Kelpie: Using the Trove API . Hands on session as part of Curtin University Cultural Hackathon. Curtin University, Western Australia

12 February 2016 Opening session, plus sessions on Coding tips and tricks and  Older library workers , then closing session, Library Camp Australia, Melbourne Australia

17 December 2015 Co-facilitator Perth’s Inaugural Library Fight Club – Topic: “We are done being librarians – nobody should have “librarian” in their job title”.

7 February 2014 Opening session, closing session, sessions on library education and Big Library Secrets,  Library Camp Australia, Melbourne Australia

12 February 2013 Being seen and heard: a workshop across two conferences ,(with Molly Tebo) Information Online , Brisbane, Australia

10 February 2013 Being seen and heard: a workshop across two conferences , (with Molly Tebo) New Librarians Symposium 6, Brisbane, Australia

9 February 2013 Get your hands dirty and build your own WordPress website One day workshop, New Librarians Symposium 6, 9 February, Brisbane, Australia

12 February 2012 Opening session plus session about Creativity in Libraries, Library Camp Australia, Melbourne

30 – 31 March 2010 Co-facilitator, Libraries 2.0 : Using Web 2.0 and digital technologies to revolutionise your library or information centre Two day Masterclass for ARK Group, Melbourne Australia.

30 June 2009 Library Futures Day  – 3 hour workshop covering new technologies and libraries . City of Melville Libraries, Western Australia.

18 March 2009 Facilitated two session (Open Source and libraries, Futures of the Profession) at Library Camp Kansas, Manhattan, United States

4 November 2008 Creating scripted objects to go in Second Life Libraries – for people without geek superpowers , workshop at Poropitia: Outside the Box conference,  Library & Information Association New Zealand Aotearoa , Auckland, New Zealand

17 September 2008 The Art of Exploring Second Life: creating an avatar and exploring libraries . Half day workshop, Murdoch University Perth. Satellite event to the Art of Information Australian Law Librarians Association Conference

9 May 2008 Ran day long hands-on training Exploring Second Life on behalf of CAVAL. Sydney – Saxons Training Facilities 9:30am – 4:30 am

12 May 2008 Ran day long hands-on training Exploring Second Life on behalf of CAVAL. Melbourne – Saxons Training Facilities 9:30am – 4:30 am

1 February 2008 Web 2.0 : Beyond the Hype, Brisbane. Workshop on Second Life and Libraries

14 August 2007 Part live chat, part streamed presentation about Libraries in Second Life for the University of Southern Queensland’s Faculty of Education Symposium Online Learning Using Virtual Worlds

January – March 2007 Presenter in the international “Five Weeks to a Social Library” course. My presentation was A puppy with a new ball: engaging library staff in social networking tools during the MULTA project.

1995 I designed and facilitated a seminar for around 60 public librarians entitled Public libraries and the Internet – We know what it does, now what do we want to do with it?


4-6 July 2013 Contributed to the Perth Global GovJam hosted by the W.A. State Government where participants from government, education and other sectors used service design techniques to rapidly prototype solutions for the public sector over an intensive 48 hour period. Prototyped the “popup hub”, repurposeable community space at rail stations.

23 May 2012 Panellist, National Year of Reading Event The book is dead: the great book debate City of Melville Libraries, Australia

April 2011 Interviewed for NSLA LibraryHack educational campaign about what libraries need to do to ensure their data is useful for open remixing , Library Hack Interview with Kathryn Greenhill

10 December 2009 Kindling an Interest in ebooks Public Workshop at Cottesloe-Peppermint Grove- Mosman Park Library, Western Australia

11 August 2009 Panel member on Reality 2.0: Transformational Librarianship . 5:30pm – 7:00pm . State Library of Western Australia. Perth, Western Australia.

8 October 2008 Emerging Media session at the State Library of Queensland about the work I was doing at Murdoch University.

7 October 2008 Invited presentation to the State Library of Queensland Management Group about encouraging use of emerging technologies in libraries

June 20th 2007 Murdoch Uni Library gets a Second Life. Enhanced podcast streamed into Second Life during the Second Life In-World Presentation: Showcasing Australasian Educational Projects in Second Life. Part of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework’s E-Learning Networks Online Conference.

1995 Authored and published the first World Wide Web pages for a Western Australian Public library.