Information Sheet – Open Source Library Software Research

Below is a copy of the text of the information sheet for participants in my research at Curtin University:

Curtin University of Technology

Department of Information Studies


TITLE: Taking matters into our own hands: Factors that influenced or concerned  libraries creating Open Source Library Application Software between 1999 and 2009.

My name is Kathryn Greenhill and I am currently completing research for my Masters of Information Management course at Curtin University of Technology.


I am investigating factors that influenced or concerned libraries creating Open Source Library Application Software between 1999 and 2009.

I would like to find out which factors and concerns you consider influential in your library’s decision to create, offer managerial support for or to specify OSLAS.


I will ask you to fill in a survey followed by an interview. The interview will be recorded as an audio file. The process should take between 45 minutes and 1 hour.


Your involvement in the research is entirely voluntary. You have the right to withdraw at any stage. When you have signed the consent form, I will assume that you have agreed to participate and allow me to use your data in this research.


Only my thesis supervisor and myself will have access to the data collected. Information that could identify you will not be used in the thesis unless I have contacted you again, provided you with information about how it will be used and obtained your written permission for it to be used in this way.

Research gathered for this study may be published or presented at a conference, without any names and any other information that may identify you unless permission has been specifically sought and obtained.

In adherence to university policy, any hard copies of the survey and all media containing audio recordings will be kept in a locked cabinet for seven years before it is destroyed. I will provide you with a copy of the audio file of your interview on request before this.


This research has been reviewed and given approval by Curtin University of Technology Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval number MCCA 04/2009)

If you would like further information about the study, please feel free to contact me on +61 8 9314 3434 or via email: . Alternatively, you may contact my supervisor, Gaby Haddow on +61 8 9266 2707 or via email on .

Thank you very much for your participation.